Thursday, November 5, 2009

How to find good deals as the buyers market comes to an end

Every home buyer in America has at some point wondered, “is now the best time to buy a home?” In this 3-minute video, NBC’s The Today Show does a good job of answering the question.
The conclusion? Yes, but not if you’re going to overpay.
The buyers market is ending, we learn, as home prices rise across most of the country. However, there are still plenty of opportunities to snag a “good deal” for focused home buyers.
Some of the video’s tips include:
On what types of homes can you get the best prices
What you can learn from looking in a seller’s closet
How to identify a desperate seller

Although the piece reflects negatively on short sales - noting the amount of time required to buy is longer than a “traditional” purchase - it doesn’t mean they should be avoided. There are plenty of bargains there too.

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