Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Home Repairs that Can’t be Ignored

Owning a house is expensive, causing many homeowners to procrastinate on repairs. In most cases the repairs that need to be done can be delayed slightly however, there are cases where specific fixes cannot be delayed. Ignoring these problems will result in more expensive repairs down the road.
Here are a few home repairs that should not be ignored:

1.Rodents in your House
Hearing the sounds of rodents throughout your house or finding scratch marks on the ceilings and walls, you should be ready to fix this problem immediately.

You best option is to call an exterminator to get rid of any rodents, however if you do not have sufficient funds to hire one, your options would be to place traps and bait throughout your house. This can become a messy and unpleasant option.

2.Water Leaks

Having a stain on your ceiling or a musty smell around your house is a sure sign that water is damaging your house.

Leaving this problem can result in dry rot, mold and termite infestations. Water can create expensive repair if you do not take care of it when you first catch it.

To fix this problem it is simple, find and stop the leak. Repair the damage and take the necessary steps to ensure it does not happen again.

3.Paint is Peeling

The paint on your home is the first line of defense against water and pests. Water that seeps into the wood leads to rot, while if you leave wood unpainted it can quickly dry and crack.

To fix this you simply need to scrape off the old paint, sand the surface and apply a coat or two of pant.

4.Air Conditioner Filter Needs Cleaning

Having an air conditioner filter which has not been cleaned in months will only result in your air conditioner system to wear down faster and create an environment suitable for mold to be grown and spread throughout your house.To fix this problem requires you to check and clean your filter once a month and replace it every two months. Get your system checked out annually.

The problems I have laid out are placed in the level of priority; however they can all become quite expensive if not fixed right away. Procrastination will only lead to you spending more money on a problem that could have been avoided.

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